Get to Know Me
One of the few authors successfully published through small press, self, and ‘big six’ publishing, Michael J Sullivan has sold more than 1+ million books, has been translated into fourteen foreign languages (including German, Russian, French, and Japanese), and had been named to io9’s Most Successful Self-Published Sci-Fi and Fantasy Authors list.
Learn MoreRead My Books
With four (and counting) different series and an impressive backlog, check out these and more books for you to read.
Meetup in March
We JUST got back from DragonSteel Nexus and it was a great time! We met so many nice people and were glad to be able to meetup with people both inside and outside the convention. Robin just got a request from our agent for me to participate in GalaxyCon to be held in Richmond in … Read more
10 full-length Audiobook novels FREE!
So, we’ve (Robin, Sarah, and myself) have been at Dragonsteel Nexus in Salt Lake City for the last three days. As people came up to us asking about the books, we talked about the fact that we had physical copies for sale from the booth, but also audiobooks. While someone was standing there they pulled … Read more
An oldie but a goodie
I’m not sure when I first happened upon this but I’m pretty sure it was during my early days in publishing. Give it a watch – very entertaining. It’s just a little over 4 minutes but highly entertaining.